Monday, April 16, 2007


My last formal

Formal was this weekend and I had a pretty good time. I managed to get off of work for the spring game for it. I arranged to get a ride with Sachin. In the car was Sachin, his date, Matt Gorski, and his date. Sachin told me to be ready at 5:45 so I was. We didn't get going until probably about 6:30. This isn't the first time Sachin has done this and I find it disappointing. I am a pretty easy going guy but I think it shows a lack of respect for other people's time and I am going to try and learn from the mistakes of others and not have that attitude towards other people's time.

My dad always said "A fool can learn from his own mistakes, it takes a smart man to learn from the mistakes of others"

By the time we picked up everyone else, got gas, stopped for food, and stopped for booze it was 7:30. The trip up to the mountains, a stop at Gorski's place for skis, and getting stuck in the snow and putting on chains later and it was 10:30 by the time we arrived. This proved to be a problem because my date got there five hours before and was pretty geezied up and already being attacked by Chris Hancock. Of all of my brothers Chris is the only one that is not only sleazy enough but also with enough game to steal my date so I was pretty worried. I had only met my date a few times so there was not a solid commitment, and pretty attractive. His head start did not bode well for me.

When things started to go his way I pulled a little move that worked pretty well. I guilted him. I told him that it was going to be a difficult formal for me anyway because of Kim and Lance and that I would appreciate it if he didn't make it a ton worse. Even though it was true that if my date ditched me it would have made my situation worse, I ginned it up a bit for my benefit. Is manipulating someone really so bad? He shouldn't have been flirting with my date anyway. Chris backed off and I was able to hang out with Kellan a bit. We did some body shots, she gave and I received. We did some dancing and eventually she fell asleep on the couch, presumed very drunk.

Being a senior, I had a pretty big bed and I didn’t think it should go to waste. I did something I am not especially proud of. My little brother Noah took a girl, Chanel, who I have hooked up with before. Since then I realized that Noah really likes her and was pushing me to hook up with her because he didn’t know how to act. I went into the night with a plan not to hook up with her for that reason but with my date passed out and splitting her time between me and Chris, I made a bad decision. I was drunk. For brevity sake let’s just say she slept in my room.

The next day we all went skiing and I knew this was a good opportunity for me. Tao of Steve says, “Be desireless, be excellent, be gone.” The “Be Excellent” part means that you have to do something to prove your worthiness to a girl. A girl needs something to brag about to her friends the day after she hooks up with you. I can be excellent in a few ways, but not many in a way that is more impressive than skiing. There were a ton of us and I made sure to stick with Kellan and well be excellent. And I was, very much so. We had a lot of fun skiing.

Somehow, at the same time I also managed to get another girl’s phone number. This girl Gina who I have skied with before. She is a really good skier, especially for a girl and also pretty sexy, a definite ding. That way if the Kellan thing didn’t work out I could schedule the next bus to be on the way. I was encouraging Kellan to try out the jumps in the Gold King park and gave her some instructions on how to succeed. She tried the jumps, which I deemed as a good sign, I think peer pressure is more effective from someone you want to impress, a la me. Unfortunately, she did not follow my advice and hurt herself pretty badly. I managed to throw down and earned some awesome points but she was done for the day.

I think when Kellan got hurt it proved to work out pretty well. We went to the base and I hung out with her while everyone else skied. With some time by ourselves I was able to spit my game. Being my awesome self I earned some points and was still able to ski the last 2 hours of the day when she got a ride back to take a nap. I had a great time just chilling at the base with Kellan and that was maybe the most fun part of formal. Unfortunately, I was hoping that Saturday night would be more fun.

Saturday night didn’t really work out so well. For some reason I got sick. After only two beers I got a stomach ache and threw up shortly after dinner. I threw up one more time after trying to get back in it with some 151. This was a turning point, I am not sure if Kellan knew because I looked sick, she saw me lose it, or if I just smelled bad or something but I wasn’t getting the same reaction. She was not slurping me like she had all day. She also got drunk and was kind of ignoring me. Eventually she got so drunk she threw up and passed out, very freshmen. I spent the rest of the night just hanging out with my friends and their dates and had fun. Even if we didn’t have a chance of hooking up I would have preferred just having the company of a date while hanging with my friends and their dates.

The next morning when she said goodbye she gave me a kiss and told me to call her when we get back to Boulder. I am a little confused but I do have a best running theory. My theory is that Chris was option 1 and I was option 1a. I have done this many times when I am interested in two girls at a party. I will work option 1, and keep 1a at bay until I need her. She is interested as long as I keep option 1a away. I will wait the three days and give her a call and try to work it.

The moral of the story, give Kellan a shot, but there is another bus coming.

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