Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Frat Sr.

Today could be best marked by two major events. One, tonight is rush at my fraternity house. Contributing a major effort to rush in the second semester of my senior year certainly has minimal return value. While in years past I have rushed guys that have become some of my best friends it is unlikely that I will become very close with any of the rushees of the upcoming semester. But to focus this matter closer to my personal mission statement it is hard to see where it fits in. I have treated mostly as a sober social event where I get to meet some new people. If the conversations I have with one of the rushees convinces them to join then good for the guys in the house and probably more so good for him.

Earlier today I had a conversation with Craig as a follow up to establish a volunteer position with the CU football team. I am hoping to work in the front office of a professional football team after I graduate and working for the CU team would work as an excellent resume builder. Because landing a job that I love is a top priority to me right now I will basically hassle Craig as much as necessary to hammer it down. I guess we will see how this progresses.


Personal Mission Statement

I have decided to resurrect my journal and keep it with accordance to the journal I am supposed to keep for my leadership class. In this first entry I will write my personal mission statement and in future entries I will report on my entry.

Personal Mission Statement:

I will make decisions to maximize the expected value of my happiness. The areas of my life with the greatest potential for happiness are family, friends, career, and personal growth. These areas will be the focus of my attention.

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