Saturday, March 17, 2007


Wise Words

Well I have conducted my research and have reached some conclusions on a course of action. I think two major factors can contribute to me being more comfortable with the Lance-Kim situation. One is time, since I have no control over it I can consider it but it really won’t affect my decision making. The other is meeting other people and moving on in a way. Based on these results I will avoid situations where the two of them are together if seeing them makes it not worthwhile, or at least not as good as an otherwise second best option. Also, creating situations where I can meet other girls will probably help me and my relationship with Lance and Kim so I will try to increase those opportunities.

Today I read a couple of articles my mom sent me written by Tal Ben-Shahar. A cool thing about letting people into my deepest inner thoughts is that they can provide insight and I can learn from multiple perspectives. The two articles were “Active Acceptance” and “Permission to Feel”. Both were about dealing with emotions, especially emotions that are shameful or upsetting. Both articles concluded that having these feelings are normal and healthy. Suppressing them will only make things worse and that you should be open with people that are causing your emotions even if they are shameful. The main thing that I took out of it was to be more accepting of my humanness. I believe I have been open and honest but my humanness in this situation upset me. I have grown more comfortable with the fact that I can be reactive and not responsive. One of my favorite quotes was in the active acceptance article.

"(Ask for) the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can change, and for the wisdom to know the difference."

Anyone who yells at the traffic in front of them should take this quote to heart. But so should anyone who sees a problem they can fix and complains but shows no resolve. This is as good of a quote as any to live your life by.

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